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Global Partners

Global Travel Representation Alliance

Global Travel Representation Alliance (GTRA) was officially launched in 2019. This association was formed between experienced, like-minded travel representation companies, offering high standards, similar services and covering different international markets. GTRA members have long-standing relationships with the key decision makers at tour operators, concierge services, airlines, travel agencies, tourist boards and within the media. RMC International  is proud to be one of the founding members of this global sales & marketing travel representation collective.

Our Philosophy?

GTRA members provide a practical and cost-effective option for hotels, villas, cruise and destination management companies, wanting to expand their business from overseas markets. We pride ourselves on being honest, hardworking, easy to get along with and consider ourselves as an extension of our clients’ sales & marketing team.

Want To Know More?

If you are interested to find out more about GTRA and how we can help your business grow in both new and existing markets, please contact RMC International or Global Travel Representation Alliance (GTRA)  directly

PATA Germany Chapter
Pacific Asia Travel Association

Promoting tourism in the destinations of Asia and the Pacific, expanding tourism knowledge, training travel professionals: The Pacific Asia Travel Association Germany e.V., PATA Germany e.V. for short, has been the contact point for tourism professionals in Asia and those who want to become one for more than two decades. PATA Deutschland e.V. offers an ideal platform for the industry-internal and cross-industry exchange of experience and knowledge and a comprehensive range of practical training and services that supports everyone who sells trips to the fascinating destinations of Asia and the Pacific.